Can What's in Your Mouth Really Make You Sick? by Jayden Adams
The news lately has been filled with frightening stories that link oral bacteria and oral disease to a variety of serious and potentially life-threatening illnesses. This dental health subject isn't really new. Dentists have long known that there is a strong relationship between oral health and general health. For example, tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs not only affect overall health but oral health as well.
"Persons who suffer with dry mouth--a lack of saliva--whether from age, disease or medications, are at increased risk for tooth decay.", explains Dr. Maddahi. "And if you have oral pain or can't eat properly, you won't get the nutrition your body needs to stay healthy. It's not news that the mouth is connected to the body. The mouth often times is the location used to diagnose, make a prognosis, treat and intervene on a host of diseases."
For example, some researchers have found that periodontitis (the advanced form of gum disease that can cause tooth loss) is associated with cardiovascular disease, stroke and bacterial pneumonia. Other research has found that pregnant women with periodontitis may be at increased risk for delivering babies that are pre-term, have low birth weight or both.
Dr. Maddahi further explains, "Although reports suggest that periodontitis may contribute to these conditions, you should know that just because two conditions occur at the same time, it doesn't necessarily mean that one causes the other. These conditions and diseases are complex. Oral health must be considered an important part of overall health but scientists are still studying how closely the two are connected."
To make sense of all this, scientists are examining what happens when periodontitis is treated in persons who have other health problems. There's evidence that diabetics are more likely to develop periodontitis (and more severe cases) than non-diabetics. Two conditions that occur together may be caused by a third factor. People who smoke or use alcohol are at increased risk for periodontitis and other conditions, such as oral cancer.
"If there were a cause-and-effect relationship, we'd expect that improvements to periodontal health would also improve other health conditions.", says Dr. Maddahi. "The results from initial studies are intriguing. Some studies suggest that treating periodontitis in people with diabetes can improve their blood sugar control, but other studies have not found this connection. The ADA supports and encourages further research into what remains a promising but inconclusive question as to the effects of periodontal disease on specific systemic conditions and diseases."
What does this mean for you? Given the potential link between periodontitis and systemic health problems, preventing periodontitis may turn out to be an important step in maintaining overall health. In most cases, that can be done with good daily oral hygiene (brushing and flossing) and regular professional care.
Make sure to tell your dentist about changes in your oral health, including any recent illnesses or chronic conditions. Provide an updated health history including medication use, both prescription and over-the-counter products. And if you smoke, talk to your dentist about options for quitting smoking.
Dr. Kourosh Maddahi, has been specializing in creating beautiful, natural smiles and superior dental health for 20 years and is located in Beverly Hills at 436 N. Roxbury Drive, Suite 202 and can be reached at 310-888-7797.
About the Author
For more information on this article, go to:Beverly Hills Cosmetic Dentist or Smile Makeovers Article written by Jean Ritter Dale
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